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English Topic

Our English topic in 4LH is based around the book by Anne Fine ‘The Angel of Nitshill Road’. We have been looking at the book in great detail, discussing the characters feelings and emotions in particular scenes. In addition to that, children have also been doing freeze frames to show a snapshot of a scene.

Extreme Reading

We have been very busy reading and discussing all of the books we enjoy. We also enjoyed doing some extreme reading in the PE cupboard. We were all squeezed in like sardines.

Class Charter

During our first few weeks as 4LH we have spent time looking at our School Values and why they are important. We felt that they also linked into our British Values and our Growth Mindset. A result of this discussion was to come up with a Class Charter containing the behaviours and values we would follow as a class. Each of us then signed these to say we would implement these values on a daily basis to make our class a good learning

Guided Reading

In our Guided Reading lessons we are reading ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ which the children are thoroughly enjoying. We have been reading to each other collaboratively  as a class, individually and in pairs to strengthen our reading. Children have shown resilience by finding out the meaning of words they don’t understand and also by answering questions to chech their understanding of the text.

Art Theme

During our ‘theme’ lessons in 4LH we have been finding out about Pablo Picasso the artist. We started off by learning facts about him such as his dad was an artist which is what inspired him to become one. We then produced our own self-portraits in the style of Picasso’s cubism period. We used geometric shapes to make our faces and then we painted them in warm and cool colours to get the Picasso affect. We think they look fab!


Class 4LH have been finding out all about the country that we live in and other countries within the UK. In pairs they have produced some beautiful posters on their chosen country, highlighting key facts and drawing the countries flag.