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During the first half term of the Autumn term, 3RC have been very busy!


In English we explored ‘Issues and Dilemmas’ by completing a variety of work based on the short film ‘Dangled’.  Throughout this unit, we wrote diary entries, letters and our own story with an issue or dilemma.  We used role play to help us re-enact the story and to develop our own alternative ending.


We have being using practical resources such as dienes to help us learn new strategies to add, subtract, multiply and divide.


Our Theme this half term has been ‘All About Me’; where we have explored family trees and things that are special to us.  As part of this we investigated and compared toys from the present and the past.  We brought in our favourite toys and explained to the class why they are important.


Also, in Theme we researched and explored the work of Pablo Picasso.  We took photos of ourselves and recreated self-portraits in the style of Picasso.  We had great fun making ourselves look a little bit silly!

Extreme Reading

We have been learning the importance of reading and exploring interesting places where we can read.